Thursday, November 7, 2013

Campaign Donations – The Price of Everything

I’m not equipped enough to go into the Federal Reserve details with the continual printing of some $ 85 billion per month that is being pumped into the nation.  I just know the problem continues and escalates.  But I came across an article this morning that explains something about where the money is going.  Consider the price of anything and ask what is in that price…what does the supplier do with the money that you spend to purchase anything?  Does the price have any true relationship to the cost of production with added profit for the company producing it?  (economics is not my tour de force…just warning you.)

remote_image_1329813159Because our government has become a corrupt soviet socialist + fascist system of “pay to play,” the companies from which we purchase goods and the non-profits to whom citizens donate are paying off politicians for “favorable” legislation.  Trust me, there will never be enough money in your pocket to get into this club.  Trust me, the supposed “favorable” legislation is not “favorable” to you, but is designed to strip your pockets and grease the skids for government clients.  

The article that caught my attention was this  From the Daily Caller on the subject of how environmentalist groups spent fortunes on the VA governor’s race.  Ask yourself why they would do that?  

Two of McAuliffe’s biggest funders were the Virginia League of Conservation Voters and NextGen Climate Action. They each spent about $ 1.7 million on the former Democratic National Committee chairman’s campaign. The Virginia Chapter of the Sierra Club gave nearly $ 500,000 to McAuliffe. 

Green groups also spent millions on TV ad buys during the campaign. NextGen Climate Action, which was founded by San Francisco billionaire Tom Steyer, spent more than $ 2.4 million — the most spent on TV buys by any group.

Steyer, a major Obama fundraiser, has been a large backer of anti-Keystone XL campaigns and his political group, NextGen, also supported the election of Democrat Ed Markey of Massachusetts to the Senate.

Environmentalists were successful at making global warming a central issue in the campaign, having former University of Virginia climate scientist and global warming activist Michael Mann stump for McAuliffe.

The same article explains that the coal industry also donated to McAuliffe, but didn’t contribute anywhere near the huge amounts that the environmentalists did.  As you know, the coal industry is being decimated by the leftists in elected and unelected positions.  I would guess that the coal industry doesn’t have the disposable funds to play this game anymore.  Whether or not you agree that fossil fuels are evil, you would have to conclude that the fossil fuel industries have afforded us all a great life of prosperity AND that America has the cleanest energy industry on the planet.  Your energy rates and costs keep going up and up in your house.  You also know that wind, solar, and biofuels are not going to provide anything close to the energy needs we have or will have in the future….And that they are more expensive alternatives.  You also have to know that environmentalist groups who are pushing the hoax of global warming / climate change are not interested in your energy security. 

Lest you think I am raining on the environmentalists only, no I am not.  Corporations are doing the same thing; pouring buckets of money into campaigns.  Some do it through the Chamber of Commerce.  Some do it through the US Green Building Council.  Some just do it directly.  Pay to play.  

The point I am trying to make is that the price of your cup of coffee, your gallon of gasoline, your house, your light bulbs, your everything, is paying to elect people who have no interest at all in the free market system, but have every interest in picking your pocket.  You see, these campaign contributions aren’t manifested out of thin air.  They come from you when you purchase something….and then you wonder why the price of everything is going through the roof.  You are paying to elect people who don’t care if your standard of living goes into the basement as long as they get their piece of your pie.

Campaigns for candidates run on money.  Karl Rove is now worth millions of dollars.  Gee, I guess we’ve all seen the Clinton’s coffers fill up and overflow. I honestly don’t know how to change the system of campaign contributions to something less corrupt.  I don’t believe we should have a government run campaign system, so scratch that.  If you have a better answer on this, I’d like to hear it.

All of this Fed printing isn’t going into your pocket as I’m sure you noticed, but it is going somewhere.  I think a large part of it is going straight back to those who are shoveling it as fast as they can into the pockets of government legislators.  In the meantime, inflation is rolling right along.  Too many dollars in chase of too few goods.  So all of this money is not going into production of needed goods.  You pay more for the goods you need, and the politicians are laughing all the way to the bank. 

I’m not sure how small government conservatives will ever win another election with this scenario in place.   As the old saying goes: Is this any way to run a railroad?

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Campaign Donations – The Price of Everything

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