Monday, November 11, 2013

Carlos Maza: Fox News Falsely Claims Chris Christie Didn"t Veto Marriage Equality Legislation

Fox News attempted to  paint  Gov. Chris Christie as a moderate on social issues, falsely claiming that he had refused to veto legislation that would have legalized same-sex marriage in New Jersey.

On the November 10 edition of Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace, Fox News reporter Carl Cameron discussed Gov. Christie’s political reputation among conservatives, citing his decision not to veto marriage equality legislation in 2013 as evidence that Christie might not appeal to social conservatives:

The reason Christie didn’t veto a marriage equality bill in 2013 is because he had already vetoed it in 2012 despite widespread public support for the measure. Christie cited his personal opposition to marriage equality and was widely criticized for the suggestion that the issue should be put up for a public vote.

State lawmakers struggled – and are still struggling - to gather enough votes to override that veto.

When a New Jersey lower court ruled on September 27 that the state must allow same-sex couples to marry, Christie’s administration appealed the decision and warned of “far-reaching implications” if same-sex marriages weren’t delayed until the appeals process was completed.

It wasn’t until New Jersey’s Supreme Court refused Christie’s request for a delay that he finally dropped his appeal effort, reiterating that he “strongly disagrees” with the court’s decision.

In October, Christie stated that he would continue to oppose marriage equality even if one of his children turned out to be gay

Gov. Christie may still have trouble courting social conservatives, but his unwillingness to stand in the way of marriage equality legislation won’t be the reason why. 

Media Matters for America

Carlos Maza: Fox News Falsely Claims Chris Christie Didn"t Veto Marriage Equality Legislation

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