Friday, November 8, 2013

Chicago Kindergartners To Have 300 Minutes Of Sex Education Per Obama

Godfather Politics – by Dave Jolly

At what age do most parents believe it’s time to teach their kids about sex and relationships?  Many parents believe that puberty is the time to teach them about their bodies and relations between boys and girls.  Sadly, too many parents may believe there is an appropriate age, but they fail to do anything about it.  Instead, they leave their kids sex education up to their friends, television, movies, music, video games, internet and public school.  When parents fail to take their responsibilities seriously, they open the doors for almost anything and everything.  

Those doors have been flung wide open in Chicago.  The political home of Barack Obama and a plethora of other corrupt liberals, Chicago has taken one more step toward the liberal disintegration of America.  Dr. Jerry Newcombe reports on that the Chicago public school board has recently mandated that sex education start with kindergartners and that they are to start receiving a minimum of 300 minutes of sex education during the school year as reported by Steven Ertelt on

“Last week, the Chicago public school system caused a furor by announcing that it thought little boys and girls in kindergarten are ready for sex ed classes. It turns out President Barack Obama, before he became president, agreed.”

Ertelt said that the actions of the Chicago public schools fulfilled a proposal made by Illinois State Senator Barack Obama in 2003 and later during his 2008 presidential campaign.  In defense of his statements, Ertelt added:

“ published a story about what Obama told Planned Parenthood. It carried the headline: ‘Sex Ed for Kindergartners “Right Thing to Do,” Says Obama.’”

I checked a 2007 article on this and found this video of Obama talking about sex education for schools:

Note that when Obama joked about Alan Keyes accusing him of wanting to teach sex education to kindergartners, Obama didn’t deny it, but confirmed it and then tried to smooth it over by saying it needed to be scientific and age appropriate.  Also notice that Obama was speaking to Planned Parenthood, whose goal is to be in every public school teaching kids that sex is okay as long as they use protection to prevent disease and pregnancy.  However, if a young student does get pregnant, Planned Parenthood is also there to help provide abortions without parental knowledge or approval.

Barack Obama has been in bed with Planned Parenthood for some time now with the goal of completely undermining parental authority and Christian values.  What other reason would he have for wanting kids as young as kindergarten to be taught sex education that has been designed from the flaming liberals of Planned Parenthood?

Parents, this needs to be setting off alarms if you have kids in the public school system.  If your kids mean anything to you, you owe it to them and yourself to find out what they are being taught.  You may be shocked with what your kids are learning.  It may also explain why you may be having so many problems with them!

Read more:

Chicago Kindergartners To Have 300 Minutes Of Sex Education Per Obama

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