Friday, November 1, 2013

How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Survival Guide

How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Survival GuideUS Crow

The General Atomics Predator Drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) typically operated by US Air Force AFSC 1U0X1, UAS – Unmanned Aerospace System Sensor Operators. Drones are equipped with the AN/AAS-52 Multi-spectral Targeting System, armed with GBU-12 Paveway II laser guided munitions, camera (generally used by the pilot for flight control), a variable aperture infrared camera (for low light/night), and a variable aperture day-TV camera. The Predator Drone is an armed, multi-mission, medium-altitude, long endurance remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) that is employed primarily in a killer/scout role as an intelligence collection asset and secondarily against targets.  

The aircraft can employ two laser-guided AGM-114 Hellfire missiles which possess a highly accurate, low collateral damage, and anti-armor/anti-personnel engagement capability. The MQ-1B Predator handles reconnaissance while MQ-9 Reaper is used primarily “in a hunter/killer role,” and secondarily for intelligence. The drone endurance is more than 40 hours and the cruise speed is over 70kt. The air vehicle is equipped with UHF and VHF radio relay links, a C-band line-of-sight data link which has a range of 150nm and UHF and Ku-band satellite data links.

The targeting system is a primary threat. The MQ-1B carries the Multi-spectral Targeting System (MTS-A) which integrates an infrared sensor, a color/monochrome daylight TV camera, an image-intensified TV camera, a laser designator and a laser illuminator into a single package. The effective operational radius of the aircraft is about 459 miles.

How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles FLIRUAV remote sensing functions include electromagnetic spectrum sensors, gamma ray sensors, biological sensors, and chemical sensors. A UAV’s electromagnetic sensors typically include visual spectrum, infrared, or near infrared cameras as well as radar systems. Click here to download the JFCOM UAS – A detailed explanation of drone operations, schematics, and capabilities that include;

  • Full-color nose camera that the pilot uses primarily to navigate the craft

  • Variable aperture camera (similar to a traditional TV camera)

  • Variable aperture infrared camera for low-light and night viewing

  • Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for seeing through low visibility

Why are drones a threat to Americans?

DOJ Eric Holder recently wrote about the use of drones on American soil;

“For example, the president could conceivably have no choice but to authorize the military to use such force if necessary to protect the homeland in the circumstances like a catastrophic attack like the ones suffered on December 7, 1941, and September 11, 2001,” – Eric Holder Attorney General of the United States – Department of Justice

The federal government has increased hostile behavior towards law-abiding constitutional citizens that simply wish to live free. If you have read our previous article The American Government Continues to Target Preppers, you are fully aware that the Department of Homeland Security (the guys who now control domestic drones) have classified survivalists, preppers, veterans and constitutional conservatives as potential terrorists. In addition to DHS targeting Americans, purchasing millions of rounds of ammunition, and a couple thousand UPV – Urban Pacification Vehicles, while states like Colorado force retailers to report citizens who purchase food in bulk as ‘suspicious’. As of March, 2013 – the FAA has authorized over 106 Government ‘Entities’ to fly domestic drones.

To be adequately prepared means understanding the fundamental dynamics of drone evasion and survival. Over the past few years people have scrambled for ways to evade and disable predator drones. Militias and military organizations with the proper equipment are capable of disabling drones via the use of;

  • Manned Aerial Fighters

  • Surface/Ground to Air Missiles SAM/GTAM

  • Theoretical Aerial Mines (Weather balloon perimeter grid equipped with impact detonated mines)

  • MANPADS/MPADS Shoulder launched SAM/GTAM

  • Anti-Drone Technology such as EW/ECM Data link Jammers

  • GPS/RF Jamming Technology for Micro-drones (You can easily build your own)

  • There has been some success in shooting down large fast flying US military drones – similar to the BAU - using small arms fire; AK47s, M16, Shotguns and Etc.

  • Russian Issued Sky Grabber Software for Signal Hacking

Knowing how to disable a predator drone sounds good but the reality is drone technology continues to advance and their weaknesses will be quickly addressed. Luckily, drone technology isn’t there yet and can be tricked with some rudimentary tactics.

Hiding from drones with clothing

The UAV Predator Drone is equipped with infrared scanners that are able to identify a target by its heat signature i.e. thermal radiation. Adam Harvey of Stealth Wear has designed counter surveillance clothing. These ‘Anti-Drone’ garments are designed with a metalized fabric that protects against thermal imaging surveillance.  Seen here →

You can make your own counter-surveillance garments using a bit of ingenuity and a little investing. Materials such as metalized Mylar, Aluminum, Gold, Plexiglas and various types of pigment coatings will block IR (Infrared Radiation) Detection – a drone’s primary target identification system. You can also ready the usCrow How to Effectively Avoid FLIR and Aerial Detection Article for further details.

Hiding from drones with debris and the environment

Remember the end-scene from Predator, where Arnold Schwarzenegger covered his body with mud to avoid being detected by the alien predator that was using IR Detection? Now Americans citizens are utilizing the same method in real life. People across the country are covering their vehicles and habitats with mud, applying leaves and other foliage that matches the topography and blending in. Mud will block IR to a certain degree but it has it’s limitations due to the nature of infrared radiation. However, this method will hide your vehicle and home from drones using Non-IR standard camera viewing modes. Drones are built to hover, and their cameras are often taking fixed-viewpoint shots for long periods of time, or switching angles at particular intervals. A car traveling across the drone camera’s field of vision will do so for a brief period of time before disappearing, so a crude disguise has merit.

Other ways to avoid drone detection

In Timbuktu, a drone evasion tip sheet has been discovered. This tip sheet was written by Muslim extremist Al-Qaeda operatives who have been targeted by US Armed Forces with Predator Drones. This tip sheet illustrates several mundane methods employed by the insurgents that include using reflective glass or Plexiglas on roof/car tops, hiding under trees, underneath dense concrete structures, affixing woven reed mats to vehicles, and using counter-surveillance techniques such as; using mannequins, dolls, and staged equipment to trick drone operators. With the primary focus being placed upon visual camouflage and evasion, these techniques warrant merit. However, if your location has been identified and a strike package has been authorized, there is no real defense other than a solid prayer.

Do you have drone evasion tips? Comment below and help your community. The time is quickly approaching where lines will be drawn in the sand and you will be forced to choose between a life on your knees or death on your feet.

How to hide from Predator Drones UAV – Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Survival Guide

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