Monday, November 11, 2013

Humans Came From Another Planet, New Book Claims

202Did we all originate from Mars or somewhere else? Dr Ellis Silver argues that we may have.

via Alien Disclosure Group (ADG)

This year, other scientists have argued that life originated on Mars, due to a mineral found in Martian meteorites, thought to be crucial to the genesis of life. Another experiment showed that amino acids could have arrived in impacts with comets, which suggests life might be widespread in the solar system.

But a new book by American ecologist Dr Ellis Silver argues that humans may well not be from Earth – and may have arrived separately. Silver offers arguments, based on human physiology, that suggest we may not have evolved alongside other life on Earth, but arrived from elsewhere, brought here by aliens as recently as a few tens of thousands of years ago.

Silver, an environmentalist  who is currently working with the effort to clean plastic debris from the Pacific, says his book aims to provoke debate, and is based on scientific work on the difference between humans and other animals.

“The Earth approximately meets our needs as a species, but perhaps not as strongly as whoever brought us here initially thought,” Silver said in an interview with Yahoo news.

“Lizards can sunbathe for as long as they like, and many of them do. We can just about get away with it for a week or two. But day after day in the sun? Forget it.”

“You might as well just lie down on the freeway and wait for a bus to hit you, we are dazzled by the sun, which is also odd, says Silver, most animals are not.”

Silver claims that some chronic illnesses that plague the human race – such as bad backs – could be a sign we evolved on a world with lower gravity. Silver points to other unique human traits, such as the fact that babies’ heads are so large that women have trouble giving birth, in earlier eras, this was often fatal for mother, child or both.

“No other truly native species on this planet has this problem,” he says. Silver also points out to the “extra” 223 genes in human beings, which are not found in any other species, and to the lack of a fossil “missing link”.

Silver chose not to publish in a scientific imprint, wanting to inspire open debate.



Humans Came From Another Planet, New Book Claims

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