Sunday, November 10, 2013

Massachusetts Moves To Inspect Gun Owners’ Homes

Bureaucrat Proposes Violating Fourth and Second Amendments to Protect Children

Kurt Nimmo
November 10, 2013

Massachusetts Moves To Inspect Gun Owners Homes wizardoz

Illustration: Banksy

In Massachusetts, a bureaucrat wants police to enter private residences and “safeguard” guns under the pretense that violating the Constitution will be good for the children.

Barry Greenfield, a Swampscott, Massachusetts selectman, cited a state law requiring citizens to keep their firearms locked up and rendered inoperable.

“We need the ability to enforce the state law,” Greenfield said.

In an email to a constituent concerned about the proposal, Greenfield cited school shootings.

“The research I have read states that 65% or more of school shootings are caused by kids having access to their parents guns. It would be great to avoid another situation like that,” he wrote.

“I’m a volunteer elected official. I’m trying to do what I can to prevent Sandy Hook happening in my town,” Greenfield added.

  • A d v e r t i s e m e n t

Fellow selectman Glenn Kessler said “he would like to see all the interested parties including the police chief, the town’s legal counsel and citizens talk about the issue before selectmen take action,” according to the Swampscott Patch.

Kessler said there are civil liberty matters to consider.

Although Swampscott’s selectmen took no action on Greenfield’s suggestion, most indicated they may hold a discussion on a gun inspection proposal.

In February, similar legislation was pulled in Washington state. Under the proposed law, residents who refused to allow cops to search their homes without a warrant faced a year in jail. Democrats who proposed the bill faced withering criticism from the public and the bill was dropped.

This article was posted: Sunday, November 10, 2013 at 1:24 pm


Massachusetts Moves To Inspect Gun Owners’ Homes

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