Monday, November 11, 2013

Palin Trashes “Church Of Big Government”

Photo Credit: stevegarfield Creative Commons

As Christmas approaches, conservative Christians must once again witness an attack on the true meaning of the Holiday as leftists redefine the season in secular terms. Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin addressed this trend, along with its underlying causes, during a recent speech at a dinner hosted by the Iowa Faith and Freedom Coalition.

Citing an ever-present “War on Christmas,” Palin identified the “politically correct police out there” as the group responsible. Though the ongoing fight against the Christian Holiday is an affront to believers across the nation, she cautioned it is merely a “symptom of a bigger issue.”

While it is obvious leftists take issue with faith in God of the Holy Bible, she pointed out the hypocrisy with which they show unwavering faith in the state.

She called out the “scrooges who are too enlightened for religion,” marveling at the fact the same activists show “zealot-like faith in the church of big government.”

Exploring the topic further, Palin explained why putting faith in a frequently fallible federal bureaucracy is detrimental for the future of this nation. Primarily, she explained, the government does not deserve the people’s trust because “it does not have faith in us.”

Furthermore, while its proponents claim the “best and brightest” minds are working in the public sector, Palin pointed out numerous recent examples of spectacular governmental failure or corruption.

Scandals involving ObamaCare, the National Security Agency, and the administration’s politicization of last month’s government shutdown prove Washington, D.C., is not the benevolent force many on the left claim.

“We’re not wards of state,” she said, “but free men and women who can live good lives without D.C.’s appointed best and brightest telling us what to do.”

Her most pointed indictment of this culture came when she called out the “immoral and unscrupulous” politicians able to work at cross purposes with the American public due to the complacency of a “lapdog media.”

Too many elected officials are “enriching themselves and their cronies while their nation goes bankrupt,” she said, which amounts to nothing less than “dictatorship.”

The left routinely mocks and disparages Sarah Palin, along with a few other outspoken conservatives, in an effort to discredit her strong defense of conservatism. Her ability to plainly address the virtues of individual liberty and limited government make her a constant threat to the progressive power structure.

–B. Christopher Agee

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Photo Credit: stevegarfield Creative Commons

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Western Journalism

Palin Trashes “Church Of Big Government”

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