Friday, February 28, 2014

Conspiracy Theories are just entertainment?

posted on Feb, 28 2014 @ 09:25 AM

Have you ever approached the subject of one of your favorite conspiracy related topics with someone, only to have this generic response…
” Oh yeah, I saw that on an episode of (insert tv show here).”
” You mean you really believe that? That was just a movie plot”
Some of us have been into conspiracies before it was “cool”. Long before Hollywood started trolling the boards of social media grasping for new ideas to produce entertainment out of. A quick scan of my satellite channels on any given day can produce a list of shows, movies, documentaries, easily 40% of the content, which is directly related to conspiracy theories. Not so long ago, these types of shows were few and far between. From Twilight Zone, to Unsolved Mysteries….now an explosion of shows, movies, etc, relating to cryptozoology, paranormal, ancient civilizations, aliens and ufo’s, government secrecy and secret societies. I will not list individual titles, because I do not wish to give them publicity, but I’m sure even if many have unplugged from regular cable, you know of which I speak.
At first this seemed like an exciting thing. Perhaps it would wake people up, clue people in.. inform the masses of the truth, etc. Then I began to see the darker side. While the content was conspiracy related, I noted much of the commentary was made to make theories of such, or the theorists themselves, seem crazy. Some outright try to debunk with explanations more wacky than I have ever seen presented here.
The advent of conspiracy related entertainment on a wide scale, I believe, is now affecting the credibility of serious researchers and their findings in relation to any and all of the topics we discuss here on ATS. How would you feel if years of research became a movie of the week, with no credit to you? Not to mention the mockery of your findings after the fact because your truth just became Hollywood fiction?
Is this a conspiracy by mass media to discredit all we discuss here, by taking our theories and manipulating the masses with the “after school special “ version of such? How can you redirect that back to the facts?
One could easily argue that watching this form of entertainment has brought in more members, but has it brought in more serious research and discussion? IMHO, very few serious threads have remained on topic, if they received attention at all. Many who could post threads, do not, because of the negative troll like comments. It has become next to impossible, to have a serious discussion. Could it be, because some see this as more “amusement” versus chasing the truth and fact, that ATS simply becomes more fun and games? Therein, could be a huge problem for the future of researching conspiracy theories.
Just my thoughts…thanks for reading. New Topics In General Conspiracies

Conspiracy Theories are just entertainment?

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