Some Republicans think that what the American people want is another massive legislative battle over health care. After a massive debate in 2009, a herculean legislative struggle in 2010, a divisive presidential election in 2012, followed by a national rollout that will take years to implement, the GOP seems to think folks want to do that all over again. In reverse. And then do it again with some new yet undefined GOP plan. Does anyone think the GOP politicians really have that much courage? That the electorate even wants it?
No frickin’ way. Smart Republicans know it.
Republicans had their chance to enact a major health care law when Bush was in power, but they didnt. Had they done so, I seriously doubt Democrats would have had the courage, and opportunity, to do it. But they didn’t and the Democrats did. They only thing they could do is try to stop Obamacare, and they failed. In Congress, at the Supreme Court, and at the ballot box in 2012. Obamacare is now a major part of the body politic and the economy for many years ahead. No serious Republican actually believes there exists the political support for another four years or more of upheaval over yet another health care battle. Make no mistake, Democrats will make it a battle for the ages.
What’s more, what about that beloved “certainty” GOP corporate big shots love so much. They’ve got certainty now because they can see reality: Obamacare isn’t going anywhere and there’s no point in going down the uncertain path of repealing it and replacing it with … something. GOP politicians are lying to their constituents. Eventually their own voters will see that and move on from Obamacare. This battle is over. They lost. They don’t want another war over health care legislation.
GOP politicians have milked repeal for all it’s worth. The market for it is shrinking and they don’t have a new product out there. Repeal is going the way of the BlackBerry.
Hey GOP: "Repeal and replace" wont work either
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