Saturday, March 30, 2013

How Over Pronation and Supination Effect Shoes

Does degrading heel of shoes excessively, externally indicate that you are impacted by over supination or over pronation?

It will be important we define what over pronation is. Normal pronation or \”turning inward\” of an injured person\’s foot is required since it allows the foot to adapt towards the ground. With over pronation or excessive pronation, arch collapses, flattens, to discover that the soft tissues in your base of your feet stretch. That triggers the joint surfaces as well as the foot to operate at unnatural angles each other. If this occurs, joints which should be stable become very loose.

To begin with, excessive pronation may cause fatigue. However, like problem becomes worse, strain on the tendons, ligaments and muscles of the foot and lower leg can cause permanent damage at the same time deformities.

Symptoms can manifest in many different ways, but it does depend on the individual lifestyle of each patient. Here is a list of conditions associated with Excessive Pronation Such as Hallux Abducto Valgus (bunions), heel pain (plantar Facsitus), Hallux Rigidus (stiff 1st toe), Metatarsalgia (ball of the foot pain), Shin Splints, Arch Pain, Achilles Tendonitis, Ankle Sprains, Osteochondrosis, Corns & Calluses, Knee Pain, Flat Feet and Hammer Toes.


During a normal walking or gait cycle shoppers would strike the ground while using exterior of the heel first. Which can be normal section of the walking motion and occurs no matter over supination or over pronation.

A crowd of people discover their shoes wear out faster about the part of the heel. This provides the impression they are laid low with over supination as they think their feet are rolling outwards excessively. Self diagnosis just can be detrimental any time it comes to choosing orthotics, it\’s imperative to seek professional advice.

It is completely normal for our feet to land on the outside edge of our heel first (heel strike). After hitting the ground, and as part of our normal walking motion, the feet roll naturally inwards. In some instances, the greater amount of a person lands about the of their feet, the more their feet will roll inwards! This would result in an extremely unstable walking motion as the subtaler joint in the ankle becomes super mobile.

In conclusion, contrary to public opinion wearing out your shoes on the outside indicates lateral instability at the sublater joint during walking, and in fact is often with over-pronation.

Orthotics typically the Dr Foot Pro Insoles (other brands can be found) helps stabilizes your feet\’s biomechanical balance. They reduce lateral movement during walking, therefore directing more energy towards forward movement.

Learn more about Ball of the Foot Pain. Stop by Suzy Pickhall\’s site at and learn how they can help you.

How Over Pronation and Supination Effect Shoes

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