Monday, April 29, 2013

Kissing Disease Mono

Mononucleosis is known as the \”Kissing Disease Mono.\” However, the kissing disease mono is definitely not as funny as the name implies. It is called the kissing disease mono because it is spread through or is exchanged by infected saliva. Although kissing disease mono may occur at any age, it is known to be spread among 15 to 17 year olds. It will cause fever, swollen lymph glands and a sore throat.

The doctor that you go to see may offer some Corticosteroids. This medication is only used as a form of mononucleosis treatments in rare cases of the disease. For instance airway obstruction, hemolytic anemia, and any other thing that is very rare. Antibiotics are never used as one of the mononucleosis treatments. Most of the cases that come about are rarely so severe that it can put you in the hospital. Majority of the time, the only mononucleosis treatments are things that you can do are the self treatments

If not treated with antibiotics, the mononucleosis symptom most often associated with mononucleosis, bodily fatigue, will invade other bodily functions and could even cause death. The disease known as mononucleosis is an attack by a herpes virus. The invading organism attacks red blood cells. As more and more red blood cells are attacked, the body makes more white blood cells to fight the invading virus.

Drinking a cup of apple cider vinegar and honey can be helpful in the treatment of mononucleosis. The acidity of the apple cider vinegar will flush away toxins and cleanse the back of the throat while honey acts as a lubricant to provide sore throat relief. Drinking frequently as needed will ease the pain and accelerate recovery. This specific treatment of mononucleosis is excellent for providing an immediate remedy to this problem.

The kissing disease mono can be prevented by getting a vaccination. Once you have been given the vaccination you will develop a resistance making it next to impossible to get a bout of it. Another sure way not to get the very infectious disease is to avoid undo contact while the disease is active.

When a person has mononucleosis there is danger of the spleen rupturing. This is because the spleen enlarges due to the illness. It is for this reason that it is highly recommended that people with mononucleosis not engage in any activity such as a contact sport that could raise the possibility of the spleen being injured. The time period to remain free of any strenuous exercise is customarily one month.

Learn more about Some Important Facts About Mono Symptoms. Stop by our site where you can learn all about mononucleosis.

Kissing Disease Mono

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