Tuesday, May 28, 2013

China "hacks" US weapon system plans

A US Black Hawk helicopter in Ghazni, Afghanistan 17 May 2013Black Hawk helicopters were cited as one of the weapons systems compromised by hackers

Chinese hackers have accessed designs for more than two dozen US weapons systems, a US newspaper has reported.

Designs for combat aircraft, ships and missile defences were among those compromised, a Pentagon paper found, the Washington Post reported.

A public version of the same Defense Science Board report said in January that the US was unprepared for a full-scale cyber attack.

The Board did not return requests for comment from the BBC.

The Washington Post report comes as Australia discloses Chinese hackers stole floor plans for the new headquarters of its domestic intelligence agency.

The compromised US designs include those for advanced Patriot missile systems called PAC-3, an Army anti-missile system known as Thaad, and the Navy’s Aegis ballistic-missile defence system, according to the Washington Post.

The F/A-18 fighter jet, V-22 Osprey aircraft, Black Hawk helicopter and the Navy’s new Littoral Combat Ship were also compromised.

The F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the most expensive weapons system ever built, was also cited on the list.

The reports do not describe the extent of the theft, but correspondents say the hack could give China information that may be used against the US in the event of a potential future conflict.

BBC News – Asia

China "hacks" US weapon system plans

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