Friday, November 1, 2013

Russia wants India, Pakistan to be in Shanghai Cooperation Organization

Source: Voice of Russia

Russia believes the Shanghai Cooperation Organization should satisfy an application from India to join the SCO, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Wednesday, reports VoR’s Polina Chernitsa.

“I expect that it will be possible soon to make decisions on the applications that have come in. One of them is from India. We believe that this application must be satisfied, we support it. The SCO would benefit if countries such as India and Pakistan joined it,” Lavrov told a news conference in Moscow.

Pakistan has also asked to join the SCO, he said.

Asked about the possibility of the SCO’s enlargement, Lavrov said: “We believe that the right time has come, the leaders of the SCO member states have passed decisions to that effect, and instructions have been given to prepare a set of regulatory documents that would contain criteria for membership.”

The documents will soon be ready, according to the minister. “I expect that it will soon be possible to pass specific decisions on the applications that have come in,” Lavrov said


Russia wants India, Pakistan to be in Shanghai Cooperation Organization

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