Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Is the Queen going broke?

posted on Jan, 28 2014 @ 12:59 PM

reply to post by madmac5150

I’m from the UK and it’s no secret I don’t like the notion of monarchy. It’s an outdated institution that rewards a very average family. Any other family would be labelled scroungers by most Brits.

Most Brits love the royal family, so I keep my opinions to myself most of the time.

I am in Canada and I thought we divorced her in 1967 and we became a country at least that was the story, but that was not the case. Trudeau didn’t divorce her and Canada is still a colony, if we were a country her damned picture wouldn’t be in every bloody misgoverning institution, the courts, post office, etc. and we wouldn’t have a prime minister (second in command) or a regal viceroy called the groveler general who is actually the head of Canada on behalf of the monarchy.

And yes, the monarchy is an antiquated institution filed with do-nothings and useless eaters. The funny thing is these inbreds hold themselves above everyone else and milk the system, whereas in a rational society they would be shunned and cast out for what they are, noxious parasites with no purpose. You can add the Rothschilds, politicians and international bankers to this lot of wankers as well.

Cheers – Dave

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Is the Queen going broke?

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