Sunday, March 2, 2014

A non-religious explanation of the Bible?

posted on Mar, 2 2014 @ 09:15 AM

At this time, I have no doubt that the bible shares individuals perspectives and interpretations that were passed on orally. I believe that as such it has been distorted by others perpectives through interpretations. When looking at the bible, or any other historic written records, we often perceive it through the eyes of modern insight, thus, we may read more into it besides what was originally implied. I think that man’s perceptions have translated these historical records into being more than they ever were. In a few hundred years, we will still be perceiving these as miraculously knowledgeable, not because of what they knew, but as to what we perceive they knew. Make sense? New Topics In General Conspiracies

A non-religious explanation of the Bible?

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