Because of the ACA, earlier this month I signed up for a new platinum healthcare plan offered in California that is saving me a ton of money — and for that, I’m very grateful. As many of C&L’s readers know, I suffered for many years while running this site with severe nerve damage that ruined my music career and kept me in chronic pain for a very long time. As a result of that combined with my age and another previous condition, my healthcare plan (PPO) has skyrocketed the last few years, making it very difficult for me to sustain the kind of coverage I need. So when President Obama undertook the task of trying to fix our broken system, I was firmly behind it — not because I’m a progressive, but because it was essential to my wellbeing. I’m selfish that way, I know.
Healthcare has become a hot-button political issue in our country because of the GOP’s opposition to expanding coverage to millions of uncovered Americans and the Beltway media’s refusal to call it the way it really is, but for me, this is all about survival.
Paul Begala said as much to CNN:
I signed up for health care through the Affordable Care Act last week.
I did so for one reason and one reason only: it was a good deal for my family. In fact, it was a better deal than we were getting before the ACA.
I Saved $335.00 A Month On Healthcare Because Of Obamacare
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