Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Random Facts About Celexa Side Effects

There are lots of Celexa side effects that may be experienced by the people who are talking this medication. Some patients may experience serious side effects; others might experience moderate side effects while others might experience none. In general, the medication triggers some moderate and moderate side effects, which are generally moderate and transient in nature. It is anticipated the most patients will endure the side effects. To decrease the severity and intensity of the Celexa side effects you are recommended to take the medicine strictly as suggested by the doctor. The side effects might be catastrophic and unsafe when the medicine is taken in high doses. You must not adjust the recommended quantity of the medication without looking for the advice of health care expert.

The side effects are incredibly numerous and as stated earlier, they differ from one customer to the additional. This medication has the capacity of increasing the danger of suicide particularly in those young people who suffer from some other psychological diseases such as the major depressive ailments. The side effects are in the majority of instances extreme when the dosage is adjusted or within the first few months of the treatment. All those customers who are on a prescribed of Celexa should be closely overseen for the worsening of the symptoms, mood swings and suicidal notions.

This medicine might create severe side effects in the central nerve system. These side effects include paraesthesia, mood swings, tremors, brilliant dreaming, nervousness and headache amongst lots of others. Tremors describe the involuntary motions of various parts of the body. The tremors might be experienced in basically any type of part or limb of the body. Paraesthesia refers to the feeling of needles and pins in the body.

There are some Celexa side effects that should be reported instantly to healthcare supply right away they location experienced. These consist of seizure, mania, extreme depression, suicidal thoughts, convulsions, hallucination, extra pyramidal affliction, neuroleptic malignant affliction and the serotonin affliction. A number of instances of individuals attempting to commit suicide after taking this medicine have been stated.

The serotonin affliction describes a condition which is seriously life threatening because of the rise in the levels of the serotonin in the central nervous system. A couple of the serotonin affliction symptoms feature shock, increase in the body temp, sweating, high blood pressure, overstated reflex, dilated pupils and fast heart rate. The neuroleptic malignant syndrome is life threatening condition of the body neurological system which is characterized by decrease in the consciousness levels, rapid heartbeat, reasonable or hypertension, muscles rigidity, hallucinations, fever and pallor.

Some of the typical ejaculation disorders, which may be triggered by this medicine, include ejaculator anhedonia that describes the loss of the experience of delight from sexual encounters. Anorgasmia explains the condition whereby an individual can not attain orgasm. The genital anesthesia describes the loss of feeling of the person\’s genital body organs. Opposite effects include vaginal hemorrhage and galactorrhea. Galactorrhea describes the secretion of substances that resembles milk from the breast while a woman is not in fact nursing. These side effects could be experienced for numerous years after discontinuing the medication.

The author of this article is well educated about the subject regarding Celexa side effects. For more information regarding Celexa such as Celexa Reviews or Celexa dosage, visit the site where you will find numerous articles on this medication.

Random Facts About Celexa Side Effects

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