Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Way to Cure Selfishness in Your Married Life

Marriage is a wonderful manifestation of love and affection between two people. And although marriages are based on the strong foundations of love and commitment for one another, a marriage that is marked by traces of selfishness can lead to failure. While you cannot expect your partner to be perfect, it is very important that you also give utmost importance to her feelings and needs instead of just focusing on your own self.

It\’s All About Proper Communication

One of the reasons why marriages fail is because both parties lack proper communication. If you and your spouse will not be able to talk about your expectations for one another, then do not be surprised if your marriage will end up a failure. Remember that the main principle of marriage is sharing your life with your partner so you should make sure that you adhere to this principle so that selfishness will not rule over your marriage.

Always Show Your Love and Affection

Selfishness in marriage happens if couples would start taking each other for granted and forgetting the fact that they should love and respect their partner. So no matter how long you and your partner is together, you have t o make it a point to always show your love and affection for each other. Do not let the spark die in your marriage. In everything, always let your partner feel how much you love her so she would learn to love you in return.

Mutual Trust Is Important

Selfishness would strike in marriage if you and your partner have no trust for each other. Even if it is a relationship that\’s between family members or your friends, it will not really work if there is no trust in it. So if you don\’t want selfishness to take place in your married life, you should always have utmost trust for each other, whatever happens.

Stand Up For Yourself

If you are in a situation where you are suffering because your spouse is becoming very abusive, then you should learn to redeem yourself. Marriage is not just about you showing love to your partner, but it should be both your partner and you loving each other. Do your best to redeem the relationship, but you should know when to stop. Do not let selfishness to be in control in your marriage because you don\’t deserve to suffer just for the wrong reason.

Selfishness usually happens if the couple ended up marrying because of the wrong reasons. But if you have love and respect within the relationship, then you will be able to resist selfishness regardless of how big your marriage problems are. The bottom line is, always love and respect your partner if you want your marriage to end up a success.

Selfishness isn\’t the only real issue in a marriage. See the way to tackle other typical issues in issues on first year marriage and marriage and jealousy.

The Way to Cure Selfishness in Your Married Life

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