Says bill would benefit terrorists instead of your average patriotic American
Adan Salazar
June 28, 2013

New York’s Authoritarian Mayor Michael Bloomberg wishes you a happy sparkler-free Fourth of July
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is warning Gov. Andrew Cuomo that crafty terrorists will all too eagerly take advantage of a new measure allowing seasonal sales of festive holiday sparklers if the governor doesn’t follow his nanny-state lead and veto the bill.
The bill, A6695A, seeks to amend a section of the penal law by reasonably striking from its definition of ‘Fireworks’ and ‘Dangerous Fireworks’ sparkling devices, novelties, toy caps, and similar devices…” The bill would allow sales of such radical terrorist tools from June 1st through July 5th, as well as between December 26th and January 2nd in counties surrounding New York City’s five boroughs.
But the NYC mayor, famous for attempting to impose such draconian measures as a ban on large soft drinks and even Styrofoam, believes passage of the law will benefit terrorists seeking to “harm innocent lives” instead of your average patriotic American trying to get his First or Fourth celebration on.
On Wednesday, Bloomberg’s state legislative director, Joseph Garba, released a memo citing the example of the failed Time Square bomber as justification for the mayor’s asinine overreaction.
“While this bill excludes New York City, legalizing these devices everywhere else in the state would, as a practical matter, have the same effect in the five boroughs,” Garba said in a memo obtained by the New York Post. “A recent attempt to harm innocent lives provides a frightening example of how legally purchased… fireworks can cause dramatic harm and even kill.”
Garba proceeds to use the example of Faisal Shahzad, the person who failed the 2010 Time Square bombing, as justification for wanting to keep the law as is, prohibiting the sale of the traditional, time-honored and relatively harmless Fourth of July staple.
“Shahzad purchased fireworks at a Pennsylvania chain store, transported the fireworks to Connecticut and created a bomb-like device that he transported into New York City with the intent of killing and causing havoc in a busy tourist area,” Garba said, according to the Post.
New York’s Gothamist correctly highlighted the utter stupidity of Bloomberg’s efforts. “Shahzad had to go out of state to buy consumer-grade M-88 firecrackers for his botched attack, and if the current fireworks bill becomes law, would-be terrorists like Shahzad would… still have to go to another state to buy fireworks.”
In respect to Garba’s reference to the failed Times Square bombing, in 2010 Infowars reported that the Pakistani man arrested in connection to the bombing, Sheik Mohammed Rehan had intelligence connections. Rehan had apparently traveled in a pickup truck with Shahzad throughout Pakistan a year before the bombing took place, and was a member of the terrorist organization Jaish-e-Muhammad, a terror cell controlled by the British MI6 and the CIA.
“Since the CIA has its fingerprints all over almost every Middle Eastern terror group, it’s unsurprising that an Agency connection to the Times Square bomber has come to light,” Paul Watson wrote in 2010. “We’ve never come across a terrorist who wasn’t trained, equipped, radicalized, entrapped, or provocateured by a western intelligence agency or a terror group controlled by a western intelligence agency.”
Despite the fact that the FBI orchestrates virtually every terror plot it foils, frequently entrapping witless patsies by supplying them with arms and coaxing them through agent provocateurs, Bloomberg continues his rule through fear campaign trudging out the same old narrative concerning the fabricated menace of terrorism.
This article was posted: Friday, June 28, 2013 at 1:04 pm
Tags: terrorism
Sparkler Terrorism: Bloomberg Urges Cuomo to Veto Fireworks Bill
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